After another challenging year, I am happy to report that Middle Temple’s Survive and Thrive Programme continues to do just that.
As this is a mid-year Report, I would like to start by thanking our own Master Matthew Weait for compering the How to Survive and Thrive in Uncertainty: Leveraging the Power of Doubt with Professor Michel Smets online last July, which prompted a lively discussion.
By November, we were able to migrate towards a hybrid format with Caroline Flanagan, a coach for lawyers with Imposter Syndrome who delivered a rousing talk on Imposter Syndrome in a Post Covid World.
At the start of the year in February, we were able to secure Master Timothy Dutton in conversation with Master David Etherington (Lent Reader) on the topic of Thriving in Adversity. It was an inspiring and uplifting talk, recorded and uploaded to Middle Temple’s YouTube channel to be viewed on demand and at your leisure.
A further highlight was another hybrid event on Thursday 30 June 2022 in Hall; The Confidence Trick – how to play and how to win in collaboration with the Talent Retention Working Group (TRWG), which is chaired by Master Juliette Levy. The event was put together by Lucy Burrows (Silks Team Leader at 3VB) who is on the TRWG, and skillfully chaired by Master Ann Hussey, in conversation with psychologists Dr Anna Colton and Jessica Chivers. The evening was generously sponsored by 3VB Chambers and One Essex Court and gave everyone the opportunity to socialise and network afterwards.
In 2023, we are planning an event on The Environmentally Conscious Lawyer. Climate change is, after all, the ultimate ‘Survive and Thrive’. It should be a thought-provoking evening.
I would like to record my thanks to Oliver Muncey, Cath Bygrave and everyone in the Membership Office for all their hard work supporting Survive and Thrive this year. I also need to thank Master Alastair Webster for setting the programme up during his term as Chair of the Membership Committee, to Master Adrienne Page for her inspiring leadership over many years and finally to my imaginative and resourceful committee members – Master Juliette Levy, Felicity McMahon, Karen Reid, Beatrice Collier, and Michael Harwood amongst others.
We are always open to ideas and suggestions for future topics as outside the ‘black letter’ law. Survive and Thrive would be nothing without your support and enthusiasm for what we do.

Master Louise McCullough was Called in 1991 having studied Law at UCL under Master Dawn Oliver and Lady Dyson. She was appointed Master of the Bench in 2015. Her interests include Advocacy training, Wellbeing at the Bar and encouraging younger people. She is Chair of the Survive and Thrive Working Group.