This year marked a large increase of applicants for the Rosamund Smith Mooting Competition, starting online with a full capacity of 64 teams. We were fortunate to begin with a challenging building liability moot problem written by new co-Master of the Moots, Master Kate Grange. In my second year coordinating the competition, I’m continually struck by the dedication and ambition of our mooters who enter. It is a huge undertaking whilst completing a demanding Bar course or GDL (and some then tell me they are working whilst studying!) 

Our annual competition relies on the support of volunteers, and we are always most grateful to our talented group of barristers and senior members who act as moot judges. The competition’s timekeepers also volunteer; they are mostly undergraduates starting their journey in law, often relishing taking part in the experience. To note here, we’ve then seen timekeepers appear in the competition as Bar/GDL students, this year and last!

Moot Semi-final 17 June 2024, L-R The Hon Mr Justice Martin Chamberlain, Vikram Sachdeva KC, Erica Barker, Lucy Finney, The Hon Mr Justice Robert Jay

The Inn’s collegiate environment runs through this competition; new students learn to work as teams whilst receiving expert guidance and advocacy experience with our Moot Judges. I often receive comments from Hall members, saying how much they enjoy working with the students and moot problems. The volunteers don’t end there, we have moot setters and senior members of the judiciary who join for the Moot finals.

The initial online format of moots enables students from all over the UK to take part. Judges on Circuit, who may not be able to volunteer so easily, can also offer their expertise. 

At the time of writing, we have finished round three where the moots have started back in person at the Inn. Being face to face with teams, judges and the environment offers a new experience for all. We encourage all mooters to take part regardless of their location in the UK, paying travel expenses to cover costs involved in these later rounds.

Semi-Final 24 June 2024, L-R Robert Weir KC, Ambika Sehgal, Georgia Prince, The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lewis, The Hon Mr Justice Chamberlain

One of the best parts of my role is seeing the progress of the students taking part, growing in confidence and developing their skillset. From a room at home in round one on Zoom to the Grand Final in the surroundings in Middle Temple Hall in front of a packed student audience, this competition is a huge opportunity and it’s nice to see its popularity continue.

Geoff has been with the Education team at Middle Temple since October 2022, He coordinates the Rosamund Smith Mooting Competition, supports advocacy weekends and post-Call courses. Originally from Hertfordshire, his background is in theatre, charity work and customer support.