It has always seemed to me obvious that the true point of the year’s turn was in the autumn. And so, it proved last year. October 2023 marked the moment that, after three years of distinguished service, Master Simon Medland vacated the position as Chair of the Northern Circuit Society. The announcement that he was to step down arose at the conclusion of an address at a society dinner in the old University Science Library in the great city of Manchester. With characteristic generosity, he welcomed me to my new role.

I wish to record my thanks to Simon. He counts the Inn as his professional home; his work on Circuit is a matter of pride to him. And in the face of stiff challenges, he had huge success.  It should be remembered that he had assumed control on the very eve of the pandemic. But with humour and zeal, he kept us energised and ensured that we stuck to our task. When eventually our liberties were restored to us and finally we could meet in person, Simon’s enthusiasm for Middle Temple shone out. The fact that the society was in such fine fettle, under his superintendence, is a tribute to those efforts. 

It seemed to me appropriate to acknowledge just how far the Circuit society had come since its inception in 2017. A trawl of old emails revealed that, at the outset, Rebecca Jones and I were among just a few people summoned to ‘a sandwich lunch’ in the judicial chambers of The Recorder of Manchester. Master David Stockdale presided. Our mission was, straightforwardly, to shorten the distance between the Temple and the Circuit. Our efforts were promised the buoyant support of a ‘tiggerish’ Master Colin Davidson. Wise counsel was on hand from Master David Lynch and Master Anthony Russell. 

These days our presence in Liverpool, Chester, Preston and Manchester is established. The calendar of events that we offer continues to be a rewarding dimension to the professional lives of practitioners and students. Our functions are places in which members can meet others, put names to faces, and find out more about the ways in which they can contribute to the work of Middle Temple.

The last year has been no less busy. As you will have seen from the report of Master Charlotte Worsley, in company with the North Eastern Society we were hosted by the Inner Temple at an Amity Dinner, the memory of which still sparkles. It was an opportunity for those aiming to practice, and those early in practice, to hear from stellar legal figures. The success of the night was owed to the constant, reassuring support, within Domus, of Oliver Muncey and Cath Bygrave. 

Encounters with student lawyers remain a key part of our work. We were delighted that HHJ Stephen Davies, who mentored students within the business and property court, was Benched in November 2023. HHJ Matthew Corbett-Jones and Bill Baker KC were among those who gave up time to help in Manchester for the Circuit Education Days. Other members on Circuit also joined in the wider Education department training programmes. It is hoped that in the coming term we will be able to offer support to the Talent Retention Working Group too. These projects and more will receive the unstinting support of Emily Landale, Indunee Seneviratne, Sarah Morgan and Kate Burnell KC. There is more to say about my committee colleagues than the mere recital of their names. They are people of talent, who have given generously of their time to support Middle Temple over the years. It can be their proud boast that they have served Middle Temple, and it is my proud duty to thank them for what they have done.

Master Tim Storrie is the Chair of the Northern Circuit Society. He was Called to the Bar in 1993 and took silk in 2020. He practises from Lincoln House Chambers in Manchester.