My first pleasant duty is to thank Master Richard Wright and Master Kama Melly, our outgoing Chair and Deputy Chair. They have both been actively involved with the committee from its inception. As a new Bencher I was delighted to be asked to take over from them. On behalf of the committee, I thank them both for their dedication over the past five years and Master Wright for his impressive leadership.

I am pleased to report that we have had a productive year. Our committee has increased in size to include judicial, practising and non-practising barristers and students. We offer our congratulations to our newly elected Bencher, Charles Morgan. We are really keen to reconnect members of Circuit with the Inn by hosting events locally. All of us understand that many on Circuit struggle to get to London midweek due to their work and family commitments.  

We have had a busy year. On Friday 13 October 2023 the North Eastern Circuit was hosted across the Pennines at our annual Northern/North Eastern Middle Temple joint dinner. This year it was hosted by their outgoing Chair, Master Simon Medland, at Christie’s Bistro in the Old Science Library at Owens College, Manchester University. There was a really good turn out from both Circuits, good food and wine and a fantastic evening was enjoyed by all. Our Annual Dinner celebrates the amity which exists between the Circuits, the Northern and North Eastern Circuits having split in 1876. Legend has it that a coin was tossed to decide who was going to keep the Northern Circuit name. The Northern Circuit kept the name, and the North Eastern Circuit the silver. We think we got the better deal! 

Treasurers Master Paul Darling and The Hon Mr Justice Soole (centre) with Master Charlotte Worsley, Master Tim Storrie and Master Kate Thirlwall

The Circuit City Socials Scheme was launched in January 2024, and we have hosted gatherings at numerous venues over Circuit. Fun was had by all although numbers were low due to the heavy snow! However, we hope many more members and students will attend the events scheduled in the future. 

On Tuesday 26 March 2024 committee members Michael Collins, James Hargan and Joanne Jenkins hosted an online Q&A Pupillage Interview event for prospective pupils. There was impressive feedback and over 50 prospective pupils attended. 

The highlight of the year has been the Middle Temple Northern and North Eastern Circuit Society Amity Dinner with Inner Temple held on Friday 26 April 2024. We were honoured to host this event at Aspire in Leeds. We enjoyed a fascinating Qualifying Session given by our Treasurer, Master Paul Darling (who sadly passed away shortly after this article was finalised), Deputy Treasurer Master Kathryn Thirlwall, Deputy Treasurer Elect Master Bernard Richmond, and Inner’s Treasurer Master Michael Soole about their journeys to the Bar. We had a fantastic turnout of over 120 including Benchers, members, students and guests from all over the country. Thank you to everyone who made it such an enjoyable and memorable evening. 

On Wednesday 19 June 2024, Assistant Librarian Beth Flerlage delivered a very informative online session navigating the online resources available from Middle Temple Library to those on Circuit. 

I close this brief report by saying that the committee much looks forward to meeting new and old members at our future events, the next of which is a QS and drinks in Leeds in September. 

Charlotte Worsley KC specialises in Children Family Law with a particular interest in children cases involving international, cultural and religious issues. She is a member of Park Square Barristers in Leeds and took silk in 2022. She was born and educated in Leeds then studied Social Anthropology at Emmanuel College, Cambridge University. She is Chair of the Middle Temple North Eastern Circuit Society, serves on the Middle Temple Emergency Support Scheme and is a member of the Inn’s Membership Committee. She lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two children and two dogs.