New Starters
Welcome to the new members of staff who have joined us over the past year.
Name | Start Date | Job Title |
Olivia Connelly | 09/09/2024 | Communications Coordinator |
Alexander Clevewood Ng | 02/09/2024 | Scholarships Officer |
Jasdeep Grewal (Jess) | 15/07/2024 | HR Coordinator |
Kate Robinson | 01/07/2024 | Library Assistant |
Joao Marques | 10/06/2024 | Ched de Partie |
Lauren Cummings | 07/05/2024 | Assistant Librarian |
Adnan Saffour | 12/04/2024 | Finance Officer |
Brendan Owen | 11/04/2024 | Catering Manager |
Sebastiano Ragusa | 04/03/2024 | Treasury Administrator |
Maribel Vasquez Vasquez | 01/03/2024 | Cleaner |
Hannah Dixon | 15/01/2024 | Assistant Archivist |
Richard Simpson | 15/01/2024 | Estates Officer |
Amy Kellet | 29/01/2024 | Library Assistant |
Leavers & Retirements
The Inn thanks the following members of staff who have retired or left Middle Temple for all their hard work and wishes them well for the future.
Name |
Abdulfatah Ali Farah |
Frances Andrews |
Jonny Boyd |
Robert Bradshaw |
Sarah Cates |
Mark Fenlon |
Patrick Ghiradello |
Christine Halpin |
Jake Hearn |
Mirka Jankovic |
Olumide Komolafe |
Charlie Pritchard |
Fariha Sikondari |
Mick Taylor |