Carlton Williams | Bar Course Scholarship 2021 | Harmsworth Scholar

My motivation in applying for a scholarship was two-fold; first, my educational background was a non-traditional one. I left school after my GCSEs to work and didn’t get back into education until I started my LLB with the Open University when I was 21. I didn’t have any connections in law at all, and having completed my LLB through distance learning, I wasn’t as aware of work experience placements, mini-pupillages and mooting competitions as some of my peers. I knew a scholarship would help me when it came to pupillage applications, and I thought it might mitigate my non-traditional background. I also knew Middle Temple interviewed all applicants, and I felt that would be an advantage over a paper-based process. My second reason was less aspirational, I needed the money! I had two young children, and in order to study the Bar Course, I needed to reduce my hours at work. I hoped to get a scholarship that would allow me to cover nursery fees whilst I was working part-time. 

I was shocked to get the email telling me I’d been awarded the Harmsworth Scholarship; it was almost the amount I needed to pay my child’s nursery fees whilst I studied the Bar Course. 

Without the support of Middle Temple, I would probably still be saving towards the cost of the BPC. My scholarship made it a lot easier for me to balance my studies, work, and my family life during what is a very intense academic year. After I completed the BPC, I continued to work as an advocate for a government department, a role I had been in for almost six years. Just after my Call to the Bar, at the age of 29, I was appointed as a fee-paid judge sitting in the First-tier Tribunal. I have now been sitting for almost a year. I didn’t ever think someone from my background could ever become a judge, much less at the age of 29. I am indebted to Middle Temple for the support I have received, not only the practical support through my scholarship, but also though the events I have been able to attend as well as the sponsorship scheme.

Lucy Bleichroeder | GDL 2023 | Queen Mother Scholar

I am a current Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) student and was awarded a scholarship in 2023 for the second year of my course. I have completed my degree part-time over two years alongside full-time employment in order to be able to pay the school fees. I was also often picking up jobs over weekends and evenings to assist with this, which didn’t leave much time for my extracurriculars (or social life!). I applied for a scholarship in the hope that this would alleviate the need for me to do this.

My scholarship has helped me greatly. I no longer need to work weekends and evenings on top of my day job to pay my school fees, and this has freed up time for me to be able to diversify my CV by competing in advocacy competitions and attending Qualifying Sessions, as well as have some much-needed time to relax! I am very grateful for the support I have received and encourage anyone thinking of applying for a scholarship to do so.

Simarpreet Kaur | Bar Course Scholarship 2021 | Jules Thorn Scholar

I am a Jules Thorn Scholarship holder. I completed my Bar Course in late 2022, and I am currently applying for a pupillage. I was initially working with the Citizens Advice Bureau as a Benefits Adviser, and in March 2024 I joined the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) as a Paralegal.

I applied for this scholarship primarily because it would provide additional financial support in funding my Bar Training Course and to bring me a step closer to becoming a barrister. I was incredibly grateful and honoured when I was awarded with a prestigious scholarship from Middle Temple. 

Besides providing me with financial assistance, the scholarship is an acknowledgment of my excellence and motivation to pursue a career at the criminal Bar. It has played a huge role in my written applications – be it for pupillage or on my CV – for it demonstrates my potential as an advocate.

I would definitely urge aspiring barristers to apply for scholarships from Middle Temple or any Inn of Court, not only for its financial support, but for its recognition of one’s perseverance and commitment to join the Bar.

Jack Felvus | Bar Course Scholarship 2021 | Jerry Parthab Singh Scholar

Scholarships awarded by the Middle Temple are significantly valuable. I was awarded the Jerry Parthab Singh Scholarship in May 2021. I applied for a scholarship during the final year of my undergraduate degree and did so for two reasons. Firstly, to allow the Bar course to become financially accessible, and secondly, knowing that the achievement of a scholarship in and of itself is a recognition of having the skills and attributes to have a successful career at the Bar. Amongst other things, it helps to demonstrate that one has the necessary intellectual ability, demonstrates commitment to the Bar and the Inn, and possesses the required personal skills. The scholarship also opened up access to events organised by the Inn to meet other scholars from many different backgrounds. I am currently undertaking my pupillage and believe that, without the assistance of the Inn’s scholarship, I would not have been able to get to the position that I am in today. I would highly recommend anyone pursuing a career at the Bar to consider applying; the application process is accessible, testing and well-structured.

Olivia Davin | Bar Course 2023 | Lord Diplock Scholar

I applied for a scholarship from Middle Temple after working part-time for the entirety of my studies before the Bar course and the stress that this was causing me. The Inn has taken this stress away from me. I am now able to focus solely on my studies, something I value incredibly after years of having to manage studying alongside working. When pupillage application season opened, I was able to dedicate more time to my applications due to having the scholarship funding behind me. As this is my first year applying for pupillage, the privilege of having more time to work on my applications has meant a great deal to me. I want to thank Middle Temple for believing in me on my journey to the Bar and showing their confidence in my abilities through awarding me a scholarship. It is an honour to be chosen alongside so many other distinguished candidates. I will be forever grateful for the financial stability the Inn has provided me with during my time studying the Bar. I know my journey has been made easier because of this and I consider it a privilege to be able to say that I am a Middle Temple Scholar.