The newly formed Middle Temple Charity was granted charitable status at the end of last year, and early this year I accepted the role of Chair. Along with my fellow Trustees, we are excited to be raising funds for the Inn. 

The role of the Middle Temple Charity is broad, but focuses on three main areas: education, heritage and building a fund for the future.

1. Education and Scholarships: Central to our mission is the provision of scholarships for aspiring barristers. With the establishment of the new charity, we hope to augment significantly the annual scholarship allocation, thereby fostering excellence, diversity, and broadened access to the profession. We have already received a donation towards our advocacy weekends at Cumberland Lodge which is one of many important learning opportunities for students. 

2. Heritage: The preservation and maintenance of Middle Temple’s cherished artefacts and buildings stands as an imperative duty. For example, in 2026 we have the 10-year inspection of the Hall roof. It protects the Tudor building and is a huge project and expenditure for the Inn, lasting between two and three months. These tangible reminders of our history are a testament to centuries of legal tradition and scholarship. The upkeep and maintenance of this heritage ensures that we comply with an ever-increasing legislative burden, preserves the estate’s position and will enable us to conserve the buildings for following generations.  

3. Fund for the Future: We are all aware of the evolving challenges that lie ahead for the profession. Part of the Charity’s aim is to provide for these unforeseen circumstances and safeguard our enduring presence. The Middle Temple Charity seeks to establish reserve funds which will enable the Inn to adapt swiftly to whatever challenges are laid before the governance of the future, so that we will be able to provide charitable and other support to the Inn and its community as and where required. 

Last year marked the 450th anniversary of our Hall; a fitting time for Middle Temple to register a dedicated charity which conserves our heritage and secures our future. Like many generations of barristers and judges before us, our aim is to ensure that the Inn flourishes for another 450 years. The last few tumultuous years have made clear just how challenging a task this is, yet we have striven to ensure that the training and education provided by the Inn continues to be exceptional, no matter what crises we face in the wider world.  

As part of the celebrations of Hall and the newly formed charity, we launched the 1573 Founders Appeal. The appeal asks for a donation towards our charitable objectives. We have been heartened by the response and generosity of our members. Each donor is recorded on our Roll of Honour on the charity website Our aim over the coming years will be to raise further funds for the charity in a variety of ways. This will include a Friends Scheme, launching soon, aimed at friends and family, both in the UK and overseas, who wish to support the work of the Inn. Our own Head of HR at Middle Temple, Charles Elford, has valiantly signed up for the 100km Thames Path walk to raise much needed funds.

The charity is an important part of safeguarding the Inn’s future, and in ensuring the Bar secures the talent of those from all walks of life and all communities who might lack the means to pursue their career dream without help.  

It was a long time since I was Called to the Bar, but I would not have been able to pursue a career in the law without the financial support of the Inn. The help my generation received is, perhaps, all the more necessary today given the financial burden implicit in qualifying as a barrister. 

The members of Middle Temple have been very generous. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the previous appeal and for future appeals: we appreciate every donation, whatever the size. The Middle Temple Charity is our charity, for your Inn and is crucial for the future of the new generation of students, members, and Benchers and together we will continue to shape a legal profession that embodies excellence, diversity and accessibility.   

Master Ian Burnett

The Rt Hon the Lord Burnett of Maldon

Master Burnett was an Astbury Scholar and was Called to the Bar in 1980. In 2001, he was elected as a Bencher of the Inn. He served as Head of Chambers at Temple Garden Chambers from 2003 to 2008, when he became a High Court Judge. He served as Lord Chief Justice and Head of the Judiciary from 2017 to 2023.

CREDIT UK Parliament